Day 106: Symbols of the Church (753-757)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, you have called us. Your Son is the Teacher. He is the Great Teacher. You have given us, through your Son in the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Church as our Mother. Our Mother and our Teacher. So we just ask you to help us to have minds and hearts that are open to being taught. Help us to have minds and hearts that are open to your Church in a way that maybe they haven’t been open before. We ask you to please help us give you permission to draw close to us in your Church. To teach us through your Church. And give us a willingness to trust you in your Church. We know we can’t always trust the members of the Church. We can’t even trust ourselves, Lord God. But we do trust you, that you will never lead your Church astray. You will never abandon Her, even in our brokenness. So give us hearts. Give us minds that are open to being taught and hearts that are open to you in your Church. Give us this grace. Give us this Holy Spirit this day and every day. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”