Day 358: Who Art in Heaven (2794-2802)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, thank you. Thank you that in heaven you are in your majesty. You are not far from us. You are not distant from us. You are not remote from us. You are majestic. You are transcendent, and yet you are so imminent, you are so close. Lord God, you are closer to us than we are to ourselves. You know us better than we know ourselves. You love us more truly than we love ourselves. Thank you. Thank you. May you be praised. May you be glorified. God, I pray that this day more and more people come to know you. And in knowing you and knowing your true identity, they love you. And in loving you, we all become like you. Lord God, help us to become like you. We make this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”