Day 212: In Persona Christi  (1546-1553)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, in the Power of your Holy Spirit, we present ourselves before you, and we ask that you please bless this time. Bless this time that we just hear these words of the Catechism. Bless this time that we come together in this virtual, and somewhat divided, and strange and new way. But bless this time that we can actually be united as a Church, that we can be united as followers of your Son, Jesus, that we can be united by our common priesthood, the priesthood of all believers, and be united by the ministerial priests who have served us. Lord God, I pray that you please bless those ministerial priests. Bless them in their weakness. Bless them in their need for you. Bless them in their need for forgiveness, in their need for reconciliation. Bless them in their struggles. Bless every priest this day. Make them holy. Make them like you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”