Day 236: The Morality of Human Acts (1749-1761)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise, and thank you so much. Thank you for making us like you. Thank you for giving us an intellect and a will. Thank you for calling us to love, making us in your image so that we can love. We are sorry for the times we have failed to love. Help us. Help us in our weakness. We are truly sorry for all the times that we have not risen above our brokenness. For all the times we have not said YES to your grace. For all the times we have done the wrong thing in the right way or for the wrong reason or the right thing for the wrong way or wrong reason. For all the ways, Lord, we just have violated your law, violated your will, and broken your heart, we are sorry. We ask you to help us. Receive our broken hearts. Receive our wounded hearts. And help us to belong to you this day and every day. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”