Day 149: The Holy Spirit Recalls Christ’s Mystery (1099-1103)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we trust you. We love you. And we dedicate this day to you. Whether this is the beginning of the day for us, the middle of the day for us, or the very end of the day. This day is yours. And by the Power of your Holy Spirit, we ask that you please help us to remember to never forget all that you have done for us. Not only in the past through your Son, Jesus Christ. But also what you have done for us yesterday in that past, the recent past. What you have done for us at these beats and moments in our own life history, what you are doing for us right now. Help us to never ever forget. Help us to always remember that you are present, that you are here, and that your Holy Spirit makes present and actual what your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, made possible. We make this prayer in the mighty name of that same Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as we pray. Amen”