Day 143: Amen (1051-1065)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we thank you so much. We give you praise and glory. Thank you for bringing us here to this day. Thank you for bringing us here to this moment. Thank you for bringing us here all the way through Pillar 1. We ask that you please, as we prepare ourselves for our death, as we prepare ourselves to give you our ultimate and final AMEN that we trust in your AMEN. Your AMEN of faithfulness. Our AMEN of belief, but your AMEN of faithfulness. That we can trust who you are because you are the God of the AMEN. You are the God of truth. You are the God who is faithful. So as we once again reflect on these nuggets of what it is to die in you, Jesus Christ, we ask that you please come and meet us. Because you, Christ, are the Father’s definitive AMEN. You are the Father’s definitive Word. You are the Father’s definitive Truth. Help us to give our AMEN to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”