Day 171: The Necessity of Baptism (1253-1261)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Ok God, whatever this day is, wherever we are at in this day, it is yours. Father in Heaven, we come before you and we give you this day. We give you all the joys and sorrows of this day. We give you all the victories and frustrations of this day. We give you the work and the rest of this day. Let it all be for you. Let it all be a gift to you because this day has been your gift to us. And so as we come before you, we do not want to come before you empty handed. Lord God, even our failures we bring to you. Even our sins we bring to you. We all want to bring to you those things we are proud of and those wins, that great work. And you accept those. But you also accept our weaknesses. You also accept our failures. You also accept our sins. We bring it all to you. The good days and the bad days. The victories and the losses. It is all yours. Because you are the Lord. Truly, you are the Lord of everything including the Lord of everything in our lives and everything today. So please accept it all and accept it in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. We make this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen”