Day 363: Forgive Us Our Trespasses (2838-2845)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, give us your help. Father in Heaven, you are the God of mercy. You are the God who has revealed your mercy to us in your Son, Jesus Christ. You have extended your mercy to us in your Son and by pouring out your Holy Spirit to us. You not only have made us new. Not only have you taken away our sins. You also have given us the strength to be like you. You have given us the strength to pray like your Son, to love like your Son, and to forgive like your Son. Lord God, you have invited us to pray that you forgive us the way we forgive others. Lord God, this is dangerous, this is high, this is daunting, this is difficult. And yet, this is how you have told us that we are to pray. And so Lord God, please help us to not only pray this way, help us to live this way. Help us to not only live this way with our outward actions, but help us to love this way. And when we do that, Lord God, we pray like your Son, Jesus. When we do this, we live like your Son, Jesus. And when we do this, we love like your Son, Jesus who prayed for His persecutors even as they were killing Him. Lord God, give us that same heart. Give us the heart of Jesus this day and every day. That we can pray for those who hurt us, that we can forgive those who hurt us, and that we can truly trust in your forgiveness in our lives. Lord, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We make this prayer in the mighty name of the one who taught us this prayer, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”