Day 189: Worship of the Eucharist (1378-1383)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, thank you so much. We just give you praise today. We give you praise because you have given us everything. You have given us being. You have given us existence. You have given us breath. Lord God, every day we’ve ever lived, every heartbeat we’ve ever experienced, every thought we’ve had, Lord, has its origin in you. Let all of those heartbeats and thoughts and days all be directed towards your glory. Help us to love you with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Help us to love you with everything we have. Help us to take care of our neighbors. You’ve given yourself to us in love. Help give ourselves back to you in love. And if you-as you’ve shown us what it is to love without cost, we ask you to help us love each other without cost, expecting nothing in return. Help us to give love for love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”