Day 240: Erroneous Judgment of Conscience (1790-1802)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise. We give you glory. We ask you to please open our minds so that we can truly apprehend the truth, we can truly apprehend the good, the beautiful. And give us hearts and wills that are strong and courageous, that can actually choose what we know is true and refuse to do what we know is evil. Help us always to turn away from evil, even in small ways, Lord God. There are some things that are obviously evil, some things that we would say are beyond the pale, we would never choose those. Lord, we ask you to please help us choose against those when they’re small. Help us choose against those when they’re little. Help us to choose against those when we just tolerate evil in our lives. Help us to not tolerate evil in our lives. Help us to not tolerate evil in our lives. The evil that we not only tolerate but sometimes we delight in. Help us to never do that. Help us to delight in you. Help us to delight in virtue. Help us to delight in truth and goodness and beauty. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”