Day 284: The Fourth Commandment (2196-2200)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Power of your Holy Spirit, give us a clear vision. Give us your vision of the role of the family in society. The role of the family in our world. Lord God, we have such distorted visions because of our own broken families. None of us have a perfect family. Every one of us comes from a dysfunctional family, and every one of us belongs to a dysfunctional family. And yet, you gave us the family. You created the family as the foundational building block, the primordial building block of society. And you have redeemed the family by your grace, and you have called us all to participate in the building up of your kingdom in and through the family. Because of that, Lord God, we ask you to please clear away the distortion. Bring back into focus how it is you want us to approach this great gift of family, and also heal, heal the wounds that our families have inflicted, and heal the wounds that we have inflicted on our families. Lord God, none of us are guiltless. None of us are painless or woundless. We are all hurt and we have all hurt. And so, Lord God, we ask you to please meet us in those places of hurt, meet us in those places where we are guilty and bring us closer to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”