Day 114: The Church Is One (811-816)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, One God, we thank you. We thank you and we praise your name this morning, this afternoon, this evening, whenever we are listening to this, Lord God. We praise you now. And we ask that you please continue to maintain that gift of unity. Please, Lord God, we ask you to please continue to establish your Church in oneness. Lord God, we know that divisions are painful. We know that divisions devastate. And we know the devastation of being divided. We know the devastation of fracture when the Church fractures or when individuals, members of the Body of Christ, brothers and sisters, when we turn away. And we ask you to please conquer the sin that divides us. And conquer the sin in each of us that causes division. Knit us back together in our own hearts. Knit us back together with each other as brothers and sisters and knit us back to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit so that we can be one Body and one Church. In your name we pray. Amen”