Day 360: Hallowing God’s Name (2807-2815)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we praise you and glorify you. We actually do, and we ask, we pray that your name is hallowed, that your name is known, that your name is revered and loved above all other names. First of all, Lord God, we ask that we revere your name, that we glorify your name by our words and our actions, how we live, how we treat each other, how we pray. May we love your name, Lord God, above every other name. Let it be the sweetest name to our ears and the name that is a soothing balm to our hearts. Lord God, your name heals. Hallowed be your name. Your name revives. Lord God, hallowed be your name. Your name gives life. God, hallowed be your name. Your name reconciles. Lord God, hallowed be your name. Your name saves us from everlasting death and brings us to you. Lord, hallowed be your name. We make this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”