Day 80: Summary of the Mysteries of Christ’s Life (561-570)

Prayer by Fr. Mike:  “Father in heaven, we give  you thanks. We praise you so much and we thank you. Let our lives be marked by gratitude, our lives be marked by thankfulness. As we enter into your mysteries, as we reflect on your mysteries, Lord, let us not just know what the mysteries are. Let us not just know something about the details of your life, but help us to walk in those mysteries. Help us to live and breathe in the midst of those mysteries. Help us to be conformed to you in those mysteries. As you are obedient, as you love those who are lovable, and you love those who are unlovable, help us to be obedient. Help us to love those who are lovable and love those who are hard to love. Because you love us even when we are unlovable. Help us to have that same love for others that you have for us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”