Day 210: The Sacrament of Holy Orders (1533-1538)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise. Thank you so much for this gift. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this Chapter Three, this last section on the sacraments. And thank you for the gift of Matrimony. Thank you for the gift of marriage and family. Thank you for the gift of Holy Orders. Thank you for our own moms and dads. Thank you for those people among us, who are married and live out their vows as best they can in the power of your grace. We thank you for our bishop. Thank you for the priests around us. Thank you for the deacons that serve in your Church. We ask you to please give them the grace that they need to be faithful to their vows, to live out their vows each day. Lord God, give us wherever a state of life we are in, wherever we are right now, we ask you to please give us the grace to live out our promises, to live out the consecration we have received from you no matter what vocation we are in now. Lord God, we know that when we were baptized you made us your sons and daughters. And that is at the heart of everything. Our primary call is to be your saints, to live like your sons and daughters because you have made us your adopted sons and daughters. Help us this day and every day to give you glory by living as you would live, and by loving as you would love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”