Day 166: Introduction to Baptism (1210-1222)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, you are good and you are God and you have made us your children through the waters of Baptism. You have made us your children by the action of your Son and the pouring out of your Holy Spirit upon this world. Lord God, come once again into our hearts. Come once again in your Holy Spirit to give us your divine life so that we can truly be your sons and daughters, we truly can be regenerated, we truly can be born again in you. Lord Jesus, your mercies are new every morning. Come and meet us with your mercy now. Father in Heaven, you send out your Holy Spirit through the name of your Son, Jesus. Send out your Holy Spirit now once again and renew the face of the Earth. We make this prayer in the mighty  name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”