Day 276: Irreligion and Atheism (2118-2126)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise and thank you. Thank you. You have moved first. You loved us first. Lord God, you brought us into being. And you have created us to belong to you, to know you, and to first to be loved by you, and then to respond to love with love. And so we ask you, please in this moment, help us to receive your love. Help us to give you permission to love us. Help us to not only know that you are offering it, you are offering your love to us, but help us to receive that, especially as we are. Lord, help us to not put off receiving your love for like when I am better, or for when I am holier, or for when I maybe believe that I am more deserving of love. Help us to just simply receive your love right now, fully and truly. Lord God, in this moment, Father, we give you permission to love us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”