Day 164: Liturgical Diversity and Unity (1200-1203)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “God in Heaven, we love you and we thank you. We thank you for the way in which you have brought about a unity and a diversity. Variety and a catholicity, universality. Lord God, you have given us this cosmic world, this world that is so diverse and yet is one world. You have given us this Church that is so diverse and yet, it is one church. And you have made us, Lord God, individuals who are so unique and yet, we are one united into one Body in Christ. Lord God, you are the God of variety and unity. You are the God of uniqueness and oneness. And so we come before you as we are, as individuals. But we also come before you as a Body. We come before you as individual persons. But we also come before you as your Church. We just lift up our minds and our hearts to you right now and ask for you to send your Holy Spirit to fill our individual hearts and minds, but also to unite us even more closely as one Body. In the name of your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”