Day 294: Homicide (2268-2269)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we love you. You are our Father. You are our Dad because of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose from the dead for us, who send His Holy Spirit into our lives, into our hearts. And we might call out Abba, Father! You are a good Dad. You call us to care for each other in the way that you care for us, to care for each other in the way that your Son, Jesus Christ cares for us. You are the God of life, and any intentional, direct killing of an innocent human being, Lord God, is reprehensible to you. Lord God, for those of us who are listening to this podcast today, and this is part of our story, we ask for a spirit of contrition. We ask for a spirit of repentance to come into our hearts now and always, that we can turn to you in our weakness, in our brokenness, in our sinfulness, and receive your mercy. Lord God, anyone who is part of this community and has this as part of their story, I ask that you please meet them right now with your mercy. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”