Day 220: Marriage in the New Covenant (1609-1617)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we gather, we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray in the power of your Holy Spirit, that the gift you have given to us, the gift of life, the gift of love because you are love, and you made us in your image and likeness, that these gifts, life and love, that we can embody them and live them out in our lives, in our relationships. Lord God, we know that you are everywhere. You are in healthy relationships, you are in broken relationships, you are in healthy people, you are in broken people. We know this because you are in our hearts, and we are both healthy and broken. We are both free and bound, the line of good and evil passes through our hearts, and you love our hearts. So help us. Help us to see your plan for marriage in the Bible, to see your plan for marriage in Christ, to see your plan for marriage in our lives and in our world. We ask you this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”