Day 364: Deliver Us from Evil (2846-2856)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you praise. In this moment, at this day, at this hour, right now, may you be praised. Lord God, you have put us in this world, and you have made us for this world, but you have made us also for the next world. You have made us in such a way that you have destined us to have eternal life with you. And yet in this world, there are many slings and arrows. In this world, there are so many forces that are trying to keep us from the heavenly homeland, the home, the dwelling that you have prepared for us. There are so many forces internally and externally. Lord God, even in our own broken hearts and in this broken world, there are so many battles, so many trials, so many tests, and so much evil that can get in our way, that can stumble us, may cause us to stumble, that can be obstacles for us. And Lord God, we ask you to please help us. Help us through the snares of this world, this valley of tears, Lord God, this exile. Help us with your grace. Lord, I know you already do, but please fight for us. Continue to fight for us. Fight for us now and always. Never let us go. Never let us go. And help us to never let you go. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen”