How Do We Trust in Church Authority?
(with Bishop Cozzens)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, we give you thanks and praise because you have revealed yourself to us. You have given us your Son. You have given us your Son who lived for us, who died for us, who rose from the dead for us, who sent The Holy Spirit, with you Father, to us and gave us your Church. You established that Body of Christ so that we can be led into all truth. We ask you to please continue to fill us with your Holy Spirit. Continue to guide The Church. Continue to help us to overcome skepticism, to overcome discouragement, to overcome doubt, and to learn what it is to trust in you. To learn what it is to hope in you. And to learn what it is to allow ourselves to be loved and led by you. Thank you for this opportunity to talk with Bishop Cozzens. Thank you for every person who is joining us on these pre-episodes as we begin to prepare our hearts and our minds to listen to The Catechism in a Year. We thank you for every one of them. I ask you, Father, to bless every one of them right now in this moment. You know their needs. You love them in their need. Come to us all in this moment. We make this prayer in the might name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”